Protect your talent
Protect your creativity
Protect your work
In just 3 minutes
Register your trademark in the Official Registry quickly, easily and safely with all the guarantees, including a free preliminary study.
Check here how it works
Get the best permanent technological proof for only 23$ + VAT
Your professional or commercial name, pseudonym, the name of your product or channel are your signature in the world, the brand that distinguishes you in your field.
Registering these as trademarks gives you protection against usurpation and misuse, and gives you the legal authority to operate and expand your brand with security and confidence.
Access a HUB for creators: In addition to offering a global, permanent proof of authorship, we provide complementary services for authors, including declaring availability for training Artificial Intelligence, online registration information, creative process evidence, sending "Cease and Desist" notices, contract drafting assistance, automated registrations, and more.
“10 Helpful Websites for Protecting Your Photography Copyrights”
do you want to certify some digital fact?
Get to know Safe Stamper, generate legally valid evidence to prove everything you need: email sending, contract signing, publications on websites...