To start this procedure we will ask for your contact information: Name, address, telephone and email. When acting on behalf of a corporation,
you must provide full information on the same (name and domicile) and state your position in the corporation or your status as its
representative, whatever is the situation under which you start this procedure.
Along with this information, please provide a description about the offense commited with the reported record, regarding the rights you or your
corporation own, with as much detail as possible. You should also indicate what copyrights you have on the work.
Once we receive your notification, Safe Creative proceeds to block the reported record while proceeding to seek agreement or disagreement with
the same user who performed it.
If the user who performed the record confirms that it does not contain any mistakes or considers not certain the alleged copyright infringement,
the record will be visible again, and so will be a sign of “dispute not resolved” on it.
This sign will be removed in the event that the parties reach an agreement and jointly communicate Safe Creative, or because of the existence
of a valid court or arbitration judgment.
The result of the above process will be duly communicated to the person who initiated the claim.
Safe Creative will keep at all times a neutral position with respect to the parties in conflict. They must be those who initiate any administrative,
judicial and / or extrajudicial proceedings in defense of their interests. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Safe Creative will provide the
documents, certificates and other information on their records as evidence to the competent authorities.
Safe Creative reserves the right to take all necessary and appropriate measures in cases of registrations infringing the platform's
terms of use.