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Showing 2761 to 2772 of 2857 works found
We register and protect the concept creation of any "cover case " to be used upon any urban furniture or urban decor or public/ private urban objects ej: rubbish bins, electrical vehicles charge stations of any type now know and of future inventions. to be used upon electrical vehicles charge stations of any type now known and of future inventions. These cover case can also be applied to fossils fuels pump stations. We also register the concept that can be created in any forms and material, we attach an example for a Cactus shape like but this can be inspired at any nature, objects, shapes and forms in any styles but mainly identified as pieces of Street art, pop art, urban art part of the city landscapes and urban decor as well as design for city and public and private places of any kind. This has the aim to incentivate the usage of sustainable mobility by increasing the charge station infrastructure where the cases cover can be applied to make the stations more attractive and of social and public impact for their beauty and functions.
All rights reserved
We register and protect the concept creation of any "cover case " to be used upon any urban furniture or urban decor or public/ private urban objects ej: rubbish bins, electrical vehicles charge stations of any type now know and of future inventions. These cover case can also be applied to fossils fuels pump stations. We also register the concept, that can be created in any forms and material, we attach an example for a Cactus shape like but this can be inspired at any nature, objects, shapes and forms in any styles but mainly identified as pieces of Street art, pop art, urban art part of the city landscapes and urban decor as well as design for city and public and private places of any kind. This has the aim to incentivate the usage of sustainable mobility via charge station infrastructure where the cases cover can be applied to make the stations more attractive and of social and public impact for their beauty and functions.
All rights reserved
Viajar en el tiempo no es ciencia ficción sino ciencia velocidad de la luz dos veces y con vector negatovo
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Baterías termoeléctricas para marcapasos, células termoeléctricas y ropa que se mantiene caliente por diferencias de temperatura y se recarga
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Célula termoeléctrica, producción de electricidad limpia
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Baldosas para carreteras autoalimentadas por presión de los neumáticos con circuitos de guiado
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Catálogo Comercial Educando4macion
Catálogo de servicios de la empresa Educando4macion
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To obtain modular inverse matrices with variable sized with no theoretical limit. Applications in symmetric cryptography.
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MANIC | Propuesta digital y social 2018
Propuesta digital y social 2018 que incluye redes sociales, posicionamiento, boceto de logotipo, estrategia digital con ecommerce.
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Elegidos por el juego Presentación
Elegidos por el juego es un talent show basado en videojuegos
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Biblia descriptiva
Elegidos por el juego es un talent show basado en videojuegos
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