Certified publication service
What kinds of works can be registered as catalogues?
  • Commercial catalogs.
  • Product descriptions.
  • Technical specifications.
  • Forms.
  • Documents containing similar or related information.
The evidence issued by this service has probative or defensive value. It can be used, for instance, against unfair registrations, primarily dealing with industrial property (patents, utility models, and designs).
Showing 1 to 10 of 1451 works found
Logo retro Vicking
Professional registration enabled
Logo de retrofit
All rights reserved
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo de marca de catamaranes
All rights reserved
Logotipo de AMSON
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo AMSON
All rights reserved
Logotipo VAriable ESG
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo variable ESG
All rights reserved
Logotipo Nuevo ESG
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo de ESG Tranposrte de residuos y disposicion
All rights reserved
Logotipo WC Movil Nuevo
Professional registration enabled
Nuevo Logo WC Movil de Monterrey
All rights reserved
Logotipo MobilityHeart
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo de fundacion mobilityheart
All rights reserved
Logo tipo Marne
Professional registration enabled
Logotipo de Marne lugar donde se venden muebles y diseño de interior
All rights reserved
Professional registration enabled
Aplicación funcional para dispositivos electrónicos para STARBOOKS COMPANY la cual contiene diversas secciones funcionales para sus suscriptores, como MISTERIOUS WRITER la cual permite a los afiliados, escribir sus ensayos o poemas y subirlos a la plataforma de manera anónima, para que todos los usuarios puedan leerlo, WRITERS SYNERGY , el cual permite crear un mismo libro entre muchos autores participantes en tiempo real, APPRENTICE WRITER la cual guía paso a paso a los afiliados que deseen aprender a escribir, y a publicar por primera vez, DISCOUNTS GIFTS PRIZES FREE PRODUCTS for Affiliates esta sección otorga a los afiliados a la compañía a través de la app descuentos, regalos, premios por afiliar, tanto en libros, como en todos los artículos que ofrezcan las empresas asociadas con STARBOOKS COMPANY. entre otras mas secciones.
All rights reserved
Professional registration enabled
Logo and Slogan of my new company for the distribution of both physical and electronic books, in all types of establishments, mainly cafeterias, restaurants, hotels, libraries, hospitals, schools, churches, clubs, foundations, and any other place where you can eat or spend some time relaxing and tasting food or drinks. The electronic distribution dynamics will be through QR or bar codes or any other means for direct download to electronic devices, upon payment. In the same way, the associated companies and establishments will receive stocks of books on request for direct sale to customers. clients who request it in Physical Book mode. Likewise, customers who scan the barcode or QR code or any other code, which will be found on the tables and walls of affiliated businesses and establishments, will have the option to purchase the books they want for subsequent shipment to your address by STARBOOKS. As a novelty, users will be able to download an app to join, and receive discount coupons on books, products, souvenirs, and any other product registered by affiliated businesses and companies, and in this app, they will have access to the "basic" and " premium" to the areas of "Mysterious Writer", "Apprentice Writer", "Writers Sinergy" and others, which are described in other records.
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